So what is timesnewroman? It's not the font, rather my take on the age we live in. The USA is the new Rome and the times we live in are timesnewroman.
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Shrine of the blind winger Jones
Blogging Brits
Wednesday, December 14, 2005Letter writing for the overpaid and the case of the mistaken identity I'm generally speaking on the Anti-smoking side and can't wait till its barred from pubs next year. There was a letter though in today's Guardian from Stephen Thornton, Chief Executive of the Health Foundation, that got on my goat just a bit.He was referring to a photograph in yesterday's paper of a firefighter with a fag in his mouth. Just from the photo you can see the guy had pretty much been through a particularly shitty Hemel Hempstead shift. So where the fuck does Mr Voluntary Sector Big Bucks in his safe, air-conditioned, comfortable, modern office get off? In the words of a certain Scottish Football Radio Pundit " And your point is caller?" Was he just trying to get the guy sacked or was he making a fuss about the Guardian's shameless promotion of tobacco products. At the kind of money he must be on you'd think he'd be able to present a positive anti-smoking message rather than spend all day scrutinising pictures in a newspaper to find incriminating pictures of hard pressed, poorly paid, public sector workers lung deep already in noxious chemical fumes. No wonder nanny state messages get taken seriously sometimes. Overheard conversation at work. Ms A mentions to Ms B that it was the 25th anniversary of the death of John Lennon. Ms B says "Is he dead, I thought he was playing for Celtic" "No" says Ms A, "That's Neil Lennon." "Oh is that his son then?" Ahhhhrgghhhhh! posted by timesnewroman at 7:47 PM