So what is timesnewroman? It's not the font, rather my take on the age we live in. The USA is the new Rome and the times we live in are timesnewroman.
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Shrine of the blind winger Jones
Blogging Brits
Friday, July 08, 2005Fuck the Dalai Lamathewife and I were sitting watching the Elephant Diaries for a bit of respite from the awful news from London. thewife remarks how human-like the elephants were in their compassion for other elephants. I'm actually thinking no. they are better than that. For a start they don't seem to have any organised religion in their world, which they use to justify obscene acts of carnage. They just seem to pretty much take care of each other and help each other through good spells and bad. Some may think one a bit harsh for indulging in a critical attack on such a seemingly innoffensive character in the heading of this post. I don't care! ANY organised religion is simply a stepping stone towards a belief that one religion is superior to others and where its easy to dehumanise other humans beings because their beliefs are less pure. I know its a simplistic approach and I know that the causes of the London bombings are far more complex than this and I know that most religions actually preach creeds that are basically decent. Unfortunately the interpretation is left to humans, who lets face it despite their inherent innocence at times are far too capable of acts of the most incredible barbarism. I know that the vast majority of Christians, Muslims, Jews, Bhuddists, Hindus etc, abhor violence. That said, an end to organised religion might not solve all the world's problems but its a bloody good place to start. Not for one moment though, does this let our own leaders bury their heads in the sands of their superior liberal democracy. Whilst they export this freedom with bombs that kill children they can hardly be fucking surprised if somebody takes the hump and decides on their own bloody path of retribution. Which in turn will certainly lead to an escalating religious/racist tension in our communities thus further alienating already isolated groups thus exacerbating an ever increasing spiral of hate and mistrust. Just the kind of breeding ground for fascist vermin. Lets face it thats exactly the result that the scumfuck/s who bombed London wanted. posted by timesnewroman at 11:01 PM