So what is timesnewroman? It's not the font, rather my take on the age we live in. The USA is the new Rome and the times we live in are timesnewroman.
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Shrine of the blind winger Jones
Blogging Brits
Friday, June 17, 2005Shopping - The New Entertainment thewife and I hit Tesco's last night as we do most every Thursday. Outside, there is a dog dragging one of the waste paper bins around. Two of the store's staff are talking first one says "Can you believe how stupid people can be, tying the dog to a relatively light bin like that?" other says "Yes, earlier today someone tied a big Alsatian to one of the disabled trolleys and it ran around pulling the trolley behind it causing chaos in the car park"Inside too was a hoot. First thing we notice is a whole shelf dedicated to Cards and mugs and small gifts for teachers. Fucking teachers! End of term and seemingly there is a market for persuading kids and parents to take customised gifts into their teachers. Don't get me started on teachers. Miserable bunch of overpaid, overholidayed sods who give all the more difficult kids over to the less well paid Social Work Services to work with. Grrrrr. posted by timesnewroman at 6:01 AM