So what is timesnewroman? It's not the font, rather my take on the age we live in. The USA is the new Rome and the times we live in are timesnewroman.
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Blogging Brits
Friday, June 03, 2005Parenting - It's the new DIY No matter which bloody channel you look at nowadays, there is an unbelievable proliferation of programmes on telly aimed at teaching parents how to deal with problem children. Back to back on BBC3 on a Friday we have House of Tiny Tearaways then Who Rules the Roost. Then there's Supernanny on Channel 4. Not forgetting Bad Behaviour before that. Apparently there is also Nanny 911 would you believe with more on the way, not forgetting those I've missed. However did my parents' generation manage when television was devoted to entertainment? Entertainment that is, where the programmes don't consist of members of the public being members of the public. Have a look here for just exactly what and how many programmes of this genre there are. Scary!Of course there are people for whom no amount of exposure to "how to" television would make them anywhere near suitable candidates to be in the vicinity of children. These sorts of BASTARDS I'd happily execute. posted by timesnewroman at 6:33 PM