So what is timesnewroman? It's not the font, rather my take on the age we live in. The USA is the new Rome and the times we live in are timesnewroman.
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Shrine of the blind winger Jones
Blogging Brits
Tuesday, December 23, 2003Right, 4 posts in one day thats a fucking lot and I am only doing this one cos of the two Golden Glorys, and a stiffish Cointreau and I'm celebrating the fact that I finally have an MOT. Out of the way, now I've just seen that really funny Ricky Tomlinson British Gas Ad, where he drags a bunch of trainees up into the most windswept weather beaten wilds of northern somewhere, only to explain that there is no reason for them being there because of papereless online meter reading and billing and I am juxtaposing this with the pathetic, second in a row Data Protection act excuse, from the same fucking thieving capitalist bastarding - whoaah boy - company who had to (How Reluctantly????) cut off the supply of an elderly couple who didn't (Weren't able to) pay their Gas Bill. Lets face it they were entirely reasonable about it, following all the procedures laid down , visiting them on a number of occasions as well as writing to them. Lets forget that they were good customers for nigh on 60 odd fucking years, but if you don't pay and you are vulnerable, poor, elderly folks then tough fucking luck. They died some time after being cut off. Good old British Gas managed to protect the couple's privacy by not informing the social services that the couple were indeed extremely vulnerable. Bastards passed it off as a Data Protection Act thing, a few days on from Humberside Police's even more pathetic excuse for not retaining and divulging information on Ian Huntley. Bollocks, loads of Fucking Bollocks. The only outcome of any investigation must be this - The Gas and other Utility Companies should be made to provide all frail, vulnerable people with free power. Consider it retribution for fucking up in the first place. That way someone who has worked all their days, fought in bloody wars, paid their bloody taxes, wont be impoverished and humiliated and killed by a bunch of greedy profit motivated scum. And Ricky, are you still working for these people?posted by timesnewroman at 11:07 PM