So what is timesnewroman? It's not the font, rather my take on the age we live in. The USA is the new Rome and the times we live in are timesnewroman.
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Blogging Brits
Thursday, December 18, 2003On the busyometer today ranked busyish. First up the announcement of this year's Guardian Blog winners 1st prize for the proper category of best written as opposed to best designed, best by a bisexual teenager, best blog with photos and interactive sanskrit course goes to a London Call girl Belle Du Jour, with a creditable runner up in the form of Beyond Northern Iraq. Never having read either of them before I think the content, rather than the writing may well have influenced the panel somewhat here.Second, secret Santa comes this way at the office, or in some cases it may be secret satan. Me I got a special mini disco kit. This could have been suitable for either a young child or someone who had a diva-esque Disco Parrot aka Conrad Cool. Speaking of secret Santa, we have been incredibly guilty of some kind of persecution, where PHEDRA was sort of forced into being Santa, he definitely didn't want to be Santa and we kind of left it there and agreed that uncle Joe would be Santa instead except he had to go elsewhere which left us in limbo. Step in PHEDRA, who has to have been the most convincing Santa in the history of Santas. The beard was good as was the patter. Our policy of last one in is Santa proved sound, although he was less than amused when we realised it was unlikely that the team would ever enlarge. Third Mr Tweede. He spent the morning breakdancing. Unpc is Mr Tweede, and in the immortal words of the Who, I can't explain. We all, 6 of us, wore the t-shirt bearing the elf like image of Mr Tweede on a tee-shirt, they came from miles to see them, much as folks come from miles to see the Mr Tweede window treatment. We, Jimty and me, are dead. Still, how we laffed. posted by timesnewroman at 11:49 PM