So what is timesnewroman? It's not the font, rather my take on the age we live in. The USA is the new Rome and the times we live in are timesnewroman.
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Shrine of the blind winger Jones
Blogging Brits
Thursday, September 18, 2003Three arses, Lech Walesa, Vaclav Havel and Gamepad Gonk. Former presidents of sorts of a variety of offbeat eastern European feudal statelets of sorts. Once upon a time I had a little bit of time for Havel, seemed like a nice bloke, liked beer and Frank Zappa, bit arty farty nevertheless was never particularly objectional unlike that wee fat ludicrous Polish electrician who probably couldn't tell the difference between a Mars Bar and a Buzzbar, Thatcher's favourite trade unionist and working man. President of a shitty big republic whose people aparently used to queue at shops with nothing to sell, but who now have shops filled with stuff only nobody has the money to buy it. The other guy, well who cares, other than Puskas and the Rubik cube what has Hungary ever given to the world?Anyway what's the beef? Why the rant? The three amigos have written a letter - taking the piss here cos Walesa is too stupid to write, so it must have been Havel, calling for an end to Fidel Castro's dictatorship, printed no less in that fine upstanding British Newspaper of note, the Daily Telegraph. Owned by Conrad Black who I have already ranted about (22/04/03) I can picture the loathsome sight of the 4 of these getting into bed together however I am not going there, I am digressing. Who the fuck do they think they are? Fidel Castro overthrew a brutal dictatorship and turned Cuba from a playground for rich yankees, where the people were beyond impoverishment into a society envied in not only the developing world for its education and health services. Fidel Castro fought against it actively, he didn't arse about writing a few subversive lines, or help to form a pathetic vatican inspired conspriatorial league of lazy bastards. The freedoms that this triumvirate of shit for brains hold so very dear are evident in their own shitty countries...freedom to vote for whoever will lie to you and the freedom to be poor and exploited. Democracy is so fabulous you can eat it. People have other human rights too. The freedom to have shelter, to have food, to have love and affection, to be educated and cared for when in need. Quite frankly I know where I would like to be if I needed these and it wouldn't be the Czech Republic, Poland or Hungary guys cos you are so fucking far behind Cuba if you started running now you wouldn't begin to catch up. Which is why you want to bring it down isn't it? What I also want to know is do we get a referendum in vetoing the EU membership of these people, cos I want bog all to do with them. In case you think I am making this up here are some facts, from the World Health Organisation and UNESCO. Table 1 Life Expectancy 2001 Cuba 76.9 Czech Republic 75.4 Hungary 71.7 Poland 74.0 Table 2 Current Expenditure Per Pupil on tertiary education as a percentage of GNP Per Capita Cuba 88 Czech Republic 35 Hungary 33 Poland 44 Another fine example of just how fabulous Czech Democaracy operates here. Funny how they are all members of the Club of Rome, except Walesa but you couldn't really invite him anywhere. Why not go and vote to let them know if you thnk its a good or bad thing, few more votes could tip the balance. Vote Here. posted by timesnewroman at 8:20 AM