So what is timesnewroman? It's not the font, rather my take on the age we live in. The USA is the new Rome and the times we live in are timesnewroman.
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Shrine of the blind winger Jones
Blogging Brits
Tuesday, July 22, 2003There I was furious as hell done it again didn't I. Spent about half an hour late last night putting together my post only to lose it all. Here goes again.Busy few days all in all. Too busy to post. Friday, Had a surprise for thewife in the form of 2 tickets to see Sweet Honey in the Rock in Embra. thewife picked me up straight after work and we headed off. I think the Embra thing threw her every bit as much as SHIR but by jove they were worth it absolutely amazing, 5 African American women who sing like they know how to and with some politics involved too. Damn good. I remember seeing the Wedding Present some time ago and though it appalling that despite being good, they played a 45 minute set and that was it no encore no nothing. Sweet Honey played over 2 Hours with a short interval and did 2 curtain calls. All that and a Buffet Chines which was actually quite good. Only downer on the evening was the lack of roadsigns. Edinburgh get some roads signs up so people know how to leave. Saturday Got a phone call form the bank regarding my overdrawn account, see earlier posts. God I phoned them and wrote to them and they still don't talk to themselves. Went shopping and persuaded thewife that we really did need a video recorder as well as the DVD player, on account of I haven't seen Still Crazy for some time. She finally relented and that was us set up for the night. Sunday Lazy day apart form the need to nip out to Tesco's for a few items. I had decided we needed to have some Mexican food, thewife concurred and we proceeded with the preparation of a veritable feast including, nachos, tacos, chilli, guacamole, refried beans, salad, sour cream, pretty much the works and most splendid it was. Washed down with a bucket load of Margueritas and some Santana. Less of the old hippies thank you. Monday The Glasgow Fair holiday and it figured. Manuel was going camping this weekend, I queried his madness. It always rains on the Glasgow Fair and this year was no exception, except maybe it rained harder. So nowt else for it but a shot at quantifying the Menus for 100 odd happy campers for 7 days. I got to Tuesday before deciding I really needed a break, so mistakenly we went shopping where I seem to have spent a relatively small fortune buying all manner of weird stuff that I wouldn�t have if I had been working. I hate holiday weekends. posted by timesnewroman at 7:10 AM